The World Health Day is commemorated on April, 7 every year. In 2020 especially, this Day had an increased significance due the pandemic crisis.
Social distancing and isolation in home is a key strategy aiming to flatten the coronavirus curve. So #stayhome became the number one solution in order to #staysafe.
But, our homes are ok to stay healthy?
On the occasion of World Health Day, which is celebrated on April 7 every year, dedicated to nurses and midwives, we looked for simple practical tips that can be useful in these difficult days. Nowadays many things are taken for granted. How people had copied with similar situations in the past and how can this knowledge help us today, and in the future?
According to the prominent contribution on nursing by Florence Nightingale (1859, p.14):
There are five essential points in securing the health of houses:-
1. Pure air.
2. Pure water.
3. Efficient drainage.
4. Cleanliness.
5. Light.”
Now we have adequate water supply and sewerage in our homes, but the aforementioned basic points do not cease to be valid, as ventilation and natural lighting of buildings are very important, as well as cleanliness. The good thing is that modern technology with thermal insulation, dehumidifiers, etc. can provide us with useful tools that did not existed in past times.
Nightingale’s life was related with nursing. World Health Day 2020 was the day to celebrate the work of nurses and midwives, but in this pandemic crisis don’t forget every day to:
→ Let’s take a minute and thank them!
→ Support nurses and midwives!
Nightingale F. (1859), Notes on Nursing: What it is, and what it is not. London: Harrison, 59, Pall Mall, Bookseller to the Queen.