On the International Museum Day, each year on and around 18 May since 1977, “participating museums plan creative events and activities related to the International Museum Day theme, engage with their public and highlight the importance of the role of museums as institutions that serve society and its development.”
The theme for the 2023 International Museum Day edition is Museums, Sustainability and Wellbeing:
Each year since 2020, the International Museum Day supports a set of Goals from the Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations. In 2023, we will focus on:
Goal 3 Global Health and Wellbeing: Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages, in particular concerning mental health and social isolation.
Goal 13 Climate Action: Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts, adopting low-carbon practices in the Global North and mitigation strategies in the Global South.
Goal 15 Life on Land: Protect, restore, and promote sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems, amplifying the voices of indigenous leaders and raising awareness on the loss of biodiversity.

In Crete, 10 museums will participate in the International Museum Day 2023:
1. Archaeological Museum of Heraklion, Heraklion (city center)
“Recycling in Minoan Crete? "Biographies" of materials and articles in second use” [in Greek]
May 18, 18:00
Thematic tour highlighting practices of recycling and reuse of materials and articles in Bronze Age Crete. The tour focuses on objects from the collections and accompanied by a video with visual material and short explanatory texts, presenting examples of material residues documenting recycling practices for ceramics and metals materials and reuse of utensils.
2. Historical Museum of Crete, Heraklion (city center)
"I was reaching out to the wall and breathing" | A walk in HMC and the Venetian walls [in Greek]
May 18-20, 10:00 - 12:00
Starting from the Historical Museum of Crete, historical aspects of Heraklion will be presented though a tour on the walls. On the occasion of specifically exhibits will be discussed the role of museums in formation and preservation of collective memory. During our walk, will be highlighted parts of the walls that played an important role in the history of the city and we discuss its location monument in the everyday life of citizens today.
3. Nikos Kazantzakis Museum, Myrtia, Heraklion regional unit
Awareness-raising action by the Kazantzakis Museum: Environmental protection, welfare, voluntary offer [in Greek]
May 28, 10:00
As part of the celebration of the International Day Museums and taking advantage of the fact that it is located in the countryside, a few kilometers away from Heraklion, the Museum organizes awareness action for the protection of the environment, the well-being, the volunteering and personal development. The Action includes workshop with volunteer speakers groups active in the above sectors and the cleaning of its surroundings Museum and the adjacent walking route.
4. Museum of traditional Cretan life “Lychnostatis”, Chersonisos, Heraklion regional unit
Medicine and Solidarity [in Greek]
May 20, 12:00
The exhibition of doctor Eleni Ioannidou with works from expired pills and capsules, entitled "Medicine and Solidarity", is a follow-up to the successful exhibition "Pill End" (2021). It is an original visual look contemporary issues of global health and improving quality of life. In addition to agreeing with the Museum's perception of the reuse of objects (upcycling), highlights medical ethics and social solidarity as therapeutic values against the pathologies of modern life.
5. Temporary Exhibition of the Archaeological Museum of Rethymno, Rethymno, St. Francis Basilica
Biodiversity: Expressions in its material residues Minoan civilization [in Greek]
May 18-28, 09:00 - 17:00
Thematic exhibition through selected exhibits of the Museum. They describe the
biodiversity in Minoan times and highlight the special relationship of the Minoan civilization with Nature. On Thursday, May 18, a lacture will take place at the Temporary Exhibition on the related topic.
6. Archaeological Museum of Chania, Chalepa district, Chania
Discover wellness at the Museum [in Greek]
May 18
The action is inspired by Goal 3 - Global health and quality of life, offering yoga classes and sound therapy in the Museum's courtyard, combined with a themed tour of the permanent collection. Phone reservation is required, tel. +302821053033
Yoga: 10.00-11.00 and 17.00-18.00
Sound therapy: 18.30-19.30
Guided tours: 11.30-12.30 and 18.30-19.30
7. Municipal Gallery of Chania, Chania (town center)
Tales of a better life [in Greek]
May 18, 10:00 - 24:00
In the exhibition area storytellers of Chania will narrate fairy tales to children and grown-ups. The action will last from the morning to the midnight. The groups will be three, one in the morning, one in the afternoon and one late at night. During of the day the fairy tales will be addressed to children and adolescents, while in the evening to young people and adults.
8. School life Museum of Chania, Nerokourou village, Chania
Art photography exhibition by Georgios Xirogiannis "Eyes that feel, hands that speak" [in Greek]
May 14-19
Through the dynamic synergy of Tsepeti Clinic and the Museum will pursue an evolving and dynamic dialogue with scope for offering experience art to citizens of all ages for cohesion and development of the local community aiming at active responsiveness and improvement of quality of life in family and school in the wider community.
9. Maritime Museum of Crete, Firkas fortress, Chania
Guided tour, May 18, 12:00 - 15:00
10. Giannis & Eleni Garedakis Typography Museum, Industrial Park, Souda, Chania
Environment and education at the Museum of Typography [in Greek]
May 17, 10:00
In the amphitheater of the Museum, with the scenery of 30 best posters from the 7th International Competition Poster titled "Planet Earth in the ecological crossroads", speeches are scheduled on topics environmental education. High Schools of Chania will present ecological programs and will connect online with secondary schools education in the rest of Crete, with similar initiatives.
Planet Earth at the ecological crossroads
May 18, 10:00
Exhibition with the selected posters from this year's 7th International Poster Competition.